Continuity of cooperation and partnership to support sustainable projects between Omantel and Dar Al Atta’a
From its interest of abandoned families and within the Program of Islamic Values which is adopted by association.
The association distributed Ramadan supplies for this year, which included the distribution of coupons to 578 families by one sacrifice per family and the number may increase because of the cases that occur in the association and at cost 36982 OMR and distributed Al Zakat on 410 needy families with price of 15050 OMR.
And as its annual habit, Dar Al Atta’a will provide iftar meals for fasting in mosques as 300 fasting per day and that in 3 mosques in each of Al Suwayq, Al Musanaah and Samail and for that in Holy Month the total is 9000 Rial Omani.
Dar Al Atta’a is continuously assisting needy families and standing next to them.
This is part of the Islamic Values Program, which includes the provision of Ramadan, iftar in mosques, distribution of sacrifices, charity, Zakat, clothes for 2 Eid, payment of depts. and expiations.
This program is one of the six programs adopted by the association, namely The Family Care Program, The School Sponsorship Program, The Empowerment Program, let us read Program, and The Disaster Relief Program.
The most we can talk about that the association is also preparing for the 19th Concourse for small and medium enterprises, which is scheduled to be held on 24 May and will continue for 3 days, which will go to pay for the clothing of the Eid.
To donate for Ramadan campaign on account No. 0315003966850024 Bank Muscat.
To donate electronically:
This campaign is a completion of the campaign announced by the Association during the Gala dinner which was held on the 21st of April 2014, to raise funds for one year in order to purchase a charity building to ensure a steady income to fund Dar Al Atta`as care programs. The total collected from the beginning of 2015 and until the end of April, is an amount of 7,405.500 Omani Rials.
The Campaign was launched at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan in four shopping centers and four “Ahlain” shops attached to Oman Oil filling stations, the campaign lasted until the end of the month, where volunteers throughout the month sold Ramadan Iftar and Eid clothing coupons. The total of what has been collected during that period was an amount 42,960.700 omani rials.
In 2015, DarAlAtta'a launched, in cooperation with the Oman Charitable Organization, «Help Our Neighbor» campaign to relieve our brothers and sisters who got affectedfrom Cyclone (Chapala) and (Megh).
The cyclones hit the island of Socotra, Yemen leaving behind casualties and material losses, in addition it displaced thousands of people out of their homes and their livelihood means.
Help Our Neighbor campaign aimed at collecting financial aids to be used to purchase needed relief materials and to pay for the reconstruction of damaged homes. collected 17,938.932 omani riyals.
This campaign was launched on 01/08/2011 in collaboration with Omantel, the campaign aims to urge the community to donate one Riyal as a sadaqa/charity to relieve distressed families every month, the campaign also contributes in promoting the charitable activates conducted by Dar Al Atta`a Association, where a group of Omani public figures from various walks of life helped in marketing the campaign.
The campaign is considered a fixed income for the family welfare program. The campaign collected an amount 56,316.813 omani rials during 2015.
The campaign aims to collect donations to fund “ Eid Clothes” to the families registered with the association, where an introduction envelope about the campaign was enclosed with each dinning bill presented to the customers
11 parties collaborated with the association for this program.
This campaign has been launched in 2011 and continued strongly in 2015, as it successfully collected 21,393.000 RO.
The campaign aims to gather donations to support the school bags, school uniforms and daily meal program for students enrolled in the Student Care Program.
The campaign also sought to open the way for the Omani community to participate in programs that serve the less fortunate members of the society and to introduce them to the association and ways that they can volunteer through.
The campaign included 11 schools and 12 governmental public offices.